Friday, May 05, 2006

忧... Worries...

I seemed to have a gut feeling that something very bad is coming my way. (not the smell of my feet bozo...)

Nine weeks had gone by since the start of internship/Final Year Project, and it seemed that me and my fellow intern still had so much to accomplished. Not that we would take a long time to do all the work though. But the scenario seemed all too familiar.

It would appear that we are relaxing to much. No... I don't mean SKIVING on the job; all that's designated to us had been done and are ready for perusal anyway. (Efficient! Ok?!) The correct phrase to use would be to "count leg hairs".

Problem lies here: there seemed to be no further instructions from the top (man what wrong? Is the organisation prepararing for election or something?), since 3 weeks ago. I heard everybody from every departments, from the highest achelons such as the heads and chief trainers to the lowest lowlifes (thats us...) are busy and stuff...

Well I dun see the big hoohaa like when the company is going through the audit, or the bigshots walking in and out of the normally quiet training wing office.

I mean, its just like any ordinary day... people going for teabreaks at own time, own target, 2-3 hours long lunchbreaks with "mums", spending half the day doing data entry of one personel's particular. (I realised only now that there ARE people out there in the working world who seriously need help in computing/IT skills/knowledge such as knowing the difference between the PC chassis and the Monitor...) and interns like me blogging/ reading blogs/ surfing porn/ counting leg/ c**k hairs during working hours. The best part is, we're paid...

Its like the silence before all hell breaks loose...

I think I know what to expect if things keep going this way. When the project date draws to a close, we'll burning midnight oil, or daylight oil or whatever solid, liquid, gaseous fuels 24/6 (the other 24 hour is for topping up and burning for the next week...), eyebags would appear, there would be grouchy faces all over the shop (me included, comes with free LYQ action figures... batteries sold separately) finger pointing, shirking of responsibilities, shouting contests even... (I sh*t thou not...)

That's when the whole system falls apart, and I don't think even our very own "world class" scholar created from the so-called "world class" education system can keep things together.


Maybe some wise, 80+ old men (eh, who you thinking about?) has some solutions to all these problems.

Until then I'll just continue doing my job (if any) and when I'm free, count my leg hairs.